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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    Product Missing - Mouse


    When you add a category, I think you need to add the basic hardware requirements.

    I have seen in many categories that are missing with basic sub categories.

    I would like to different types of mouse from different manufactures, we do not that sub category for Wirelss mouse, Optical Mouse or any other Mouse Category.

    Some of the most important companies are also missing : Microsoft.

    Please try to add the category when a member is providing you the information.


  • #490
    Dear Nitin,
    Thanks for bringing this to my notice. I have taken over of being the webmaster of IRC, only from July. I am working up on fixing various issues. Will add categories that you have asked for and will also include the company's name microsoft. I am planning to start two threads, henceforth pls post the category requirements in that thread and also the company name requirement also in the separate thread, I am starting.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Webmaster, IRC


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