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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    cash credits

    I am new to this site, Can any one explain me .
    What is cash credits? How to claim it?
  • #1626
    Dear Lijo,

    Cash credit are the prizes given to the members of IRC, who will provide good reviews for products, those too which marked as creditable i.e. those products which have the coin symbol in golden colour. For example you can find that symbol in the Category Automobile beside the Google symbol.

    Apart from that you can also get cash credits for referrals.
    If you need more info, reply to this thread.

    Thats it.
    Thanking you.
    Sekhar Chandra, Golden IRCian

    Thanking you.

    Sekhar Chandra,
    Golden IRCian

  • #1627
    Dear Lijo,
    Cash credits, are the money you get based on the points that you get for certain programs of IRC.

    There are lots of sections, through which you can get cash credits. ChandraSekhar, pls make a note of this, not just referrals and reviews but we have lots of other programs and contests, which will give you cash credits if you participate actively. For those details click on the Make Money from IRC on the top right of the page.

    Webmaster, IRC


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