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  • Category: General

    Who offer best credit card facility?

    Many banks are just providing credit card facility for making money please provide details of the bank you like most for the betterment of the people who are searching for better facility regarding this.
  • #3400
    hi Ravi,
    Now a days the banks are not providing easily the credit cars because all the banks all over world have faced problems expecially INDIA. so now a days we have to pay an amount(about 1 lakh) and by that we can get the credit card. But where as Government Banks are providing the credit card fecility for free depending upon the BANK TRACK (account maintained in that bank).So better go for Government Banks you can get easily with less interest.

    With Regards,
    ArunKumar Saanam
    Diamond Member
    India Review Channel

  • #3402

    Credit cards facility is good and banks provide only those whom they see how much is the salary. Once they provide you a credit card, they will always have their eye on their returns and your uses. If you pay your bills on time they will increase the credit limit too. There are many good banks like HSBC, Citibank, ICICI Bank, etc.


  • #3404
    friends they dont force us to buy that credit card, they have certain charges on their transaction and you know everthing about that, in my view every bank providing better facility regarding this but you have to face many problem if you dont pay in right time, some bank charges is low but in some bak it is more than the expectation so we have to favour that bank who take care of us as well as low charge favoured by them, and in my view credit card facility is the best facility provided by the bank because you dont have to pay the cash right now at the time of shoping and you just pay in installlment without any extra charge on them bvut if you dont pay that you have too face bank charges as a late fine, you know that and after that public starting claim on bank that they charge us more. so be right on your place and mind it if you right at your place you need not to go anywhere and fight for justice.
    thank you

    With Regards
    Proud to be an IRC Member

    Mail Me: [email protected]

  • #3412
    Hi All,

    I personally prefer Citibank credit card who gives less percentage interest for consumed credit limit, and, it has no joining fee and annual fees like other few banks credit card system does, also, it gives online facility to transfer fund one to any other bank which other bank not providing transfer fund from credit card account to any other account like within bank or other bank or electric bill payment etc.

    EMI transfer facility approval you can get immediately, also, it won't charge any petrol surcharge like many bank does in bill monthly.

    Since it is International bank, we therefore have well reorganization all over the world for it. Credit limit may increase based on your goodwill with them.

    Hafeezur Rahman
    IRC & ISC Gold member

  • #3425

    Almost all banks are offering Credit Cards, but now a days the application procedure became very stringent. However using credit card is not advisable for the members. Instead of that use your debit cards.

    RK - Some thing special

  • #3429
    yes rk me agree with you, one day i have seen in news channel that they are saying in credit card special at buisness news channel, that the very first thing about the credit card is that, if you face need then only you should reply for that, i must say everyone not in need of credit card but if someone need that then they should apply for the same , and they should not use credit card for showing off their standard
    With Regards
    Proud to be an IRC Member

    Mail Me: [email protected]

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