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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    Revenue Score

    Revenue Score & Ad Rotation

    Revenue Score indicates how much points the specific content contribution earns towards the revenue sharing program. The score you earn depends on the quality of the content you contributed. Each piece of content is manually reviewed and assigned a revenue score by our editorial team, usually within 24 hours of submission.

    In some content categories like Resources, multiple members can contribute in the same page (original message as well as the responses). In such cases, we will manually assign a score to the original message as well as the responses, depending on the quality of the content. The AdSense ads will be rotated between all members contributed in the same page, depending on the revenue score of the contributed content.

    If you get a higher score, there are more chances of using your AdSense Account for displaying ads in the specific page. A higher revenue score leads to higher revenue.

    Resources Section

    In the resources category, the Ad revenue earned from each page is divided between the person who posted the original resource as well as the members who posted responses, based on the revenue score of the posts.

    For example, consider a resource (with a revenue score of 5) which has 3 responses (revenue score 3, 0 and 2 respectively). The total revenue score in this case is 10 and the AdSense accounts will be rotated between these 10 slots. The AdSense account of the member who posted the original resource will be used 5/10 times (50% of the displays), first response will get 2/10 (20%) and third response will get 1/10 (10%). The second response will get 0 Ad displays in the rotation because his total revenue score in this page is 0.

  • Poor quality content will earn 0 points.

  • Content that violate our policies will be deleted and will earn 0 points.

  • Repeated posting of poor quality content may result in permanent blocking of the user and all points earned so far will be disqualified.

  • Revenue score is applicable only in the Resources section.

  • If the member who has a revenue score is not participating in adsense revenue sharing program,'s adsense account will be used instead of the member's adsense account.
  • #50
    but the resources section is not still active

  • #82
    this is very useful information, thank you.

  • #222
    Dear Webmaster, Do activate our Post's immediatly and shoe us the Points too immediatly, as same as india study that will make us more helpful.

  • #223
    Dear Webmaster still i am waiitng for your reply

  • #433
    Dear Syed,
    Resources section is undergoing a revamp. Wait for a day or two to post your resources. Make sure you post resources that are about products. New introductions etc.

    Webmaster, IRC


  • #461

    Thank you for your information. I am new to this website. By seeing this I got a clear idea about the programmes. Now, I understood how to work in this website.

  • #580
    nice information webmasters,thnx.


  • #591
    Web master,
    I am not sure as to what we can write in the resources section. kindly tell us as to what type of things can be shared here so that we can write appropriate contents and that shall make your job too very easy

  • #596
    What about the earnings of direct ads placed not through google.

  • #598
    Dear Lalitha,
    You can write anything about products in the resources section. Your own experience about a particular product, or why a person should go for a particular brand of any product. But make sure that the resources you post are not copied from any other site. Copied resources will be deleted.

    Webmaster, IRC


  • #599
    Dear Sandy,
    The revenue from non google ads are not shared. It is clearly mentioned in the AdSense FAQ. You could check that.

    Anusma (RajmiArun),
    Webmaster, IRC


  • #601
    Dear Ansuma,
    Thank you very much for your guidance. I shall certainly follow them and shall do my bit to enhance this site.

    Lalitha Rajappa
    Member India Review Channel

  • #2030
    It is a good information regarding Adsense revenue sharing. Thank you members and Rajmi Arun.

    But still one more doubt is leftover in my mind. That is the adsense revenue share will be for an year from the date of approval of the content. It I have submitted a response on a resource which is more than a year old and I got good score out of it. What will be the revenue share of my contribution? Will I get or as the resouce is more than a year old the total share will be with IRC?

    RK - Some thing special

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