Computers: Now And Into The Future Reviews, Specification, Price & Best Deals

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Product Name: Computers: Now And Into The Future
Category: Children's books
Price: Rs 80

Computer Now and Into The Future is an educational book which explores the latest discoveries related to technology and predicts how and where new developments may take place in the 21st Century. Its a book which explains in an easier way about how computers have revolutionized our lives and how we plan to use them in the coming future.

Number of Pages32
PublisherNavneet Publications India Ltd
Price RangeRs 51 - Rs 100
AuthorSteve Parker

Additional features

Books for the age group 6 to 15 years

Author: Steve Parker

Informative Pictures and Details

Glossary included

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Computers: Now And Into The Future reviews

Review: Computer Now and into the future

Review By: Sangeeta Sanjay Chaubal

Arts and Crafts:
Value for Money:
Good: Colorful pictures, easy language,
Bad: can cover more topics

Computer: Now and into the future is a book by FutureTech which aims to explore the latest discoveries in technology and also predicts how and where the new developments might take us in the 21st century. The book tells us about the fascinating story of how computers have revolutionized our lives and how we plan to use them in the near future.

The book discusses on few topics briefly, which includes Computer Crime, Computer Program, Computer Ins and outs, Working of computer and future of computer. ...


Computers: Now And Into The Future

Review By: RAJESH.R

Arts and Crafts:
Value for Money:
Good: very educative book
Bad: nothing

The computers are the most advanced system of all kinds of work. In banks there is a lot of time saving to transfer money from one place to another place and it is very fast. The files are saving in the computer and transfer anywhere in the world. And all industries are using computers to work fast and save time.In this life without computer not thinking. But some persons using very badly. It is prohibited to the government but they are not doing such.The book tells all about computers. A common man will ...


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