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Product: Zandu - Kesari Jivan

Review: Zandu - Kesari Jivan
Review By: ravikant    Review Date: 25 Feb 2009   

Delicious Kesari-Jivan promotes health, vigour and energy in diseased and convalescent conditions. Kesari-Jivan builds immunity against infection and keeps body tissues young. Used as general tonic, Kesari-Jivan adds happiness to life. saffron was credited with an immense array of health benefits. It has power to quicken the spirits and the virtue thereof pieces by and by to the heart proroking laughter and merriment. Saffron confers Kesari Jivan with the power as astringent, stimulant, carminative and aphrodisiac


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Good: all
Bad: nothing
Recommend: Yes

Review: Zandu - Kesari Jivan

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Review By: Aira    Review Date: 18 Jan 2009   

Zandu is a well known name since 18th century who is the leading manufacturer and exporter of various types of ayurvedic products. Kesari-jivan is an enhanced formula of chyavanprash with saffron. It is delicious in taste and the saffron present in it has many health benefits. Some of the key features of kesari-jivan are:

It supports health, vigor and energy in diseased and convalescent conditions.
It builds immunity against infection and keeps body tissues young.
Used as general tonic with the power as astringent, stimulant, carminative and aphrodisiac and delight to life.

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Promised Effect:
Ease of Use:
Value for Money:

Good: keeps body tissues young.
Bad: nothing
Recommend: Yes

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