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Product: Morphy Richards-600 Food processor

Review: All In One Kitchen Mate
Review By: sudhersana    Review Date: 08 Dec 2008   

Morphy Richards has introduced number of useful kitchen appliances and it also have become popular among consumers due to its quality and durability. Morphy Richards-600 Food Processor is one among them.

Morphy Richards food processor comes with variety of functions. It performs wet, dry and chutney grinding, whipping, blending, mincing, grating, juicing, pureeing,slicing, chopping, kneading and many more. In short one can say you name it they got it. This 10 speed food processor comes with 4 blades, 3 jars and also with a centrifugal as well as a citrus juicer. It has 2 discs and the blades include a dry grinding and wet grinding blade, chutney blade, whipping blade, mincing blade, a kneader blade and also an universal blade.The centrifugal juicer helps to make variety of fresh fruit and vegetable juices like carrot, beetroot, spinach as well mixed vegetable juice and the citrus juicer is very helpful in making juices of citrus fruits like orange and lemon. It also has a coconut scraper which makes scraping of coconut much much easier as I think it is a time consuming process for ladies in the kitchen. It has a safety lock system which helps to keep the food processor in place when in use and the over loading protection makes the food processor go off automatically when it is overloaded. It also has a cord winder which makes it easy to store the food processor in any place when not in use.

Morphy Richards food processor comes with 1 year warranty which I think is a very good deal and the price is also fairly good when compared to its performance. It offers a very good value for money and it is worth buying Morphy Richards food processor.

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Ease of Use:
Value for money:
Power Consumption:
Battery Operated:

Good: variety of performances, value for money
Bad: nothing specific
Recommend: Yes

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