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Product: LG KS360

Review: LG KS360 - an LG slider with Qwerty keyboard
Review By: Latha Jayaprakash    Review Date: 13 Nov 2008   

The LG KS360 is a slide opening mobile phone with a QWERTY keyboard for all your text and messaging users on the move. The slide out QWERTY keyboard provides not only an accurate and fast method for writing messages but also has a numeric keypad which is highlighted by a coloured section in the full QWERTY keyboard for when the user wishes to use enter numbers at high speed. The KS360 comes with a touch screen dialling, to make calls easily. The phone is available in a selection of colours like black and silver, black and red, white and soft pink or titanium and bright blue. The casing weighs 108 grams and is 16.8mm deep by 101.5mm tall by 51mm wide. You would find it easy to slip this phone into your pocket when not in use. The screen is 2.4 Inches in size and provide a high colour display with up to 262k colours. The screen works as a good camera viewfinder and displays the messaging services available perfectly.
You can communicate with family and friends using the email service which comes complete with an email wizard. This will help you when you create an email on your mobile phone. This phones instant messaging service is like the one you have in the PC at home which allows chat and sending e mails as and when you need it. This also supports emoticons just like an E mail in the PC does. The LG KS360 also supports SMS messaging and can be shared with all of your friends but MMS can only be shared with the friends who have compatible messaging devices.
Through MMS you can share not only your text messages but also video clippings and still pictures etc which you have stored in your phone.

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Sound Reception:
Ease of Use:
Reliability & Durability:
Style & Design:
Value for Money :

Good: can be used best for messaging
Bad: nothing special, but slightly on the heavier side
Recommend: Yes

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