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Product: Nokia 1200

Review: A simple mobile
Review By: RajmiArun    Review Date: 12 Feb 2009   

There is something for everyone by Nokia. This 1200 is the successor of 1100. But if you had used 1100 you will find this 1200 a bit of a funny mobile. Though it weighs less and have a flash light, it wont suit you if you are used to slightly heavier mobiles. This can be used just to talk and to talk and for nothing else. Though the key pad comes with well spaced keys unlike a foamy keypad of 1100, it gets struck at times. The one touch shortcut key is easy to use which allows the user to gain access to text messages, calender, contacts, loudspeaker and falshlight. This phone is enhanced with a loudspeaker and this is ideal for elderly people who live alone and away from their loved ones. This is a dual band phone and it works for full 7 hours when charged to the core. The phone comes with power save mode which helps in saving the battery power when not in use. The time tracker feature allows the user to track the time spent on each call and if a preset time is set, then the call gets disconnected automatically. The phone book can store 200 contacts and this phone is built mainly for the Indian market and so it supports a large number of Indian regional language. The phone is inbuilt with a calender with reminders feature. The clock can be viewed both in analogue and digital and it can be set with alarm. The volume can be easily adjusted both for ringtone and call volume. The noise cancellation filter cancels the background noise and so the callers voice is loud and clear. The phone comes with MP3 ringtones and polyphonic ringtones. The user can send sms messages, picture messages with funny graphics.

Over all this is a phone for those who wish to talk and hear the voices of their loved ones

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Sound Reception:
Ease of Use:
Reliability & Durability:
Style & Design:
Value for Money :

Good: Loud speaker, flashlight, background noise filter
Bad: basic model
Recommend: No

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