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Review: Paths of Glory for Sir George Mallory

Product: Paths Of Glory
Quality of Content:
Value for money:

Good: Interesting book to read
Bad: Nothing as such
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: Latha Jayaprakash   
Member Level: Diamond
Review Date: 21 Mar 2009
Points for Review: 7  (Rs: 5)

Read 199 reviews by Latha Jayaprakash

Paths Of Glory Review

The author Jeffrey archer is a renowned politician and also a well known author of Fiction in the United Kingdom.
This novel he has written is based on the life of Sir George Mallory who is claimed to have reached the Everest summit years before (precisely about 29 years) Sir Edmund Hillary did.
Jeffrey Archer has tried to prove that Sir George Mallory climbed the peak first and has tried to bring discredits to Sir Edmund Hillary. There are many admirers and friends of Mallory who believe that he reached the summit shortly before he passed away on the Everest itself.
This new Tome by Acher concludes that Mallory is the first man ever to climb the everest and to stand there on top of the earth.
As usual Jeffrey Archer has come out with the story in his own entertaining style of narration. Since the end of the story is a well known one , there is no twists and turns in the thriller. 1999 Everest mission has come out with the findings of Mallorys frozen body and it has already been mentioned from the firstand so there is no mystery to be solved there.
This script is so colourful that it looks ready to be made into a movie. One should read it to understand what Archer wants to convey to the reading public.

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