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Product: iBall Take Note -A414

Review: A must for all who love to write than type
Review By: RajmiArun    Review Date: 01 Jul 2008   

This is a stand alone device, which allows the user to write or draw or scribble like that is done on an ordinary paper. The pad uses normal A4 size paper. All that is written on the paper could be edited using windows notepad or word. When the pad is connected to the pc, one could see that whatever is written on the pad reflects on the screen, thus you can chat with your friends and relatives without typing but just by writing. Infact one could write even in their mother tongue. The pad allows the user to have a digital copy and a handwritten copy. As it is very light in weight it is easy to carry and use. The Iball note taker have a storage capacity of 32MB and so one could use it to take notes in college or during a seminar or at any place. The pad comes with a software that allows the user to organize, highlight, annotate, view or change colour and font. The pen that comes with the pad is a normal pen that can double as tablet pc too. The pad runs on 4 AAA batteries and it could run continuously for 40 hours, This is a real great advantage for college students.

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Life of the product:
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Good: Stand alone and also PC connectible
Recommend: Yes

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