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Review: How Seacod capsules improved my health

Product: Seacod capsules
Value for Money:

Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: Suresh Nair   
Member Level: Bronze
Review Date: 28 Jul 2011
Points for Review: 8  (Rs: 5)

Read 1 reviews by Suresh Nair

Seacod capsules Review

Middle age has finally started taking its toll on my body. For almost 10 years I have been working as an Account Executive for a top OTC brand at a reputed marketing firm. My lifestyle involves constant travelling, late working hours and erratic eating habits. Hectic lifestyle along with the need to achieve something for my family and myself has given me many a sleepless night.

Eventually, I realized that my efficiency levels were depreciating gradually and so was my relationship with my family. Headaches, body aches and constant cold had become a part of me. However, I neglected these symptoms, and this led to further deterioration of my health both physically and mentally. I was really upset and looking for a way to balance my time between work and family, and finally my wife took charge and dragged me to a Doctor.
He thoroughly examined me and asked various questions about my daily routine and diet. It turned out that due to my hectic work timings and negligence toward my health, my immune system had deteriorated to a great extent and had proved to be a major reason for my ill health.

My Doctor decided to start me on some dietary supplements and also prescribed SevenSeas Seacod Capsules to improve my immune system. My health slowly started to get restored and with Seacod to fortify my immune system, my resistance power started to get better and better.

Now, I am in the pink of health thanks to the immunity shield of Seacod, and on a happier note, have also learnt to balance my work and family life.

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