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Product: Majesty Juice Extractor

Review: Majesty Juice Extractor
Review By: sudhersana    Review Date: 04 Dec 2008   

We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables give us the vitamins and minerals essential for our body and they also makes the skin radiant. The easy way to get these vitamins and minerals is by having fresh vegetable and fruit juices every day.

Now a days it is not at all a big deal to extract fresh juices from vegetables and fruits as there are variety of juice extractors available in the market. Majesty Juice Extractor is one among them and it comes from the stable of Bajaj and has become popular among consumers because of its quality and performance. Majesty juice extractor comes with a 400 watts motor and it also has a vegetable and fruit tray to keep vegetables and fruits conveniently when extracting juice. It has a removable juice container which we can remove and empty the juice easily. The strainer and pulp container is also removable which I think is a very good feature as it can be cleaned under the running tap more hygienically. It has a cord winder which enables easy storage when not in use. The safety interlock feature makes the juicer to be in its place when extracting juice.

Majesty juice extractor has all the features one expects in a juicer and also Bajaj is a reputed brand in the market and it is worth buying this juicer.

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Ease of Use:
Value for money:
Power Consumption:
Battery Operated:

Good: quality, ease of use, easy storage, durability
Bad: nothing specific
Recommend: Yes

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