Reviews » Products » Haier-HRF-752FR reviews »

Review: A spacious larder for your home

Product: Haier-HRF-752FR
Value for Money:
Ease of Use:
Service & Support:
Power Consumption:
Space & Convenience:

Good: spacious larder, you can store a weeks purchase easily
Bad: will be very big for a small family
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: Latha Jayaprakash   
Member Level: Diamond
Review Date: 10 Sep 2008
Points for Review: 7  (Rs: 3)

Read 199 reviews by Latha Jayaprakash

Haier-HRF-752FR Review

This Haier-HRF-752FR, refrigerator is a store room by itself. This 703 litre refrigerator has twin side by side door and has two different temperature settings for both.
This refrigerator is frost free, has 206 litres of freezer capacity and it also has clean back. It has a digital temperature control system with an LCD panel which is easily adjustable in the night also.
The fridge and the freezer parts are two different entities here and so the power and energy can be saved. The refreshment bar can also be opened without opening the fridge door. Electricity bill will come out less due to this.
There are 20 shelves and boxes available for storing your things in the refrigerator. There are 5 shelves in the refrigerator door and 4 shelves in the freezer door.
The material used for the shelves and boxes are tempered glass and so are easily cleanable with mild liquid detergent.
This has acrylic vegetable tray. Fruits and vegetable trays are separated for easy handling.
This has a error detection system so the service people can be called for to maintain the system if needed.
It has a stainless steel finish and looks grand. With all this you have one year warranty too.

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