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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    Displaying My Points and change in update frequency of Active Member list

    We made a small change today based on the requests from some of our members.

    Now, you can see the points you earned Today, Yesterday and in Last 30 days in the left bar of all pages. This information is displayed in the Top Performers page also.

    Hope this will be helpful and encourage you to contribute more actively.

    Another change is, the "Active Members" list will be updated every 15 minutes. (Earlier, it was getting updated each time any member post content. To avoid overloading our servers, we have changed it so that this list will be updated only every 15 minutes.)
  • #358
    Tony you are a doing good job but my request is total points display is good as well as earned money can also displayed it may be good for members...
    With Regards

    Don't take any decisions when you are Angry.
    Don't make any promises when you are Happy.

  • #359
    That is a great change you have done. Yes I am sure, that more people will be encouraged to actively take part.


  • #366
    Thanks for this feature Tony.. It will really help us to motivate ourselved quickly..

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