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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    How much % do u take of adsense revenue after one year?

    How much % do u take of adsense revenue after one year?
  • #788
    Hi Mohammed,

    The percentage of adsense revenue depends upon how much work we have done, and what is the quality of the work done. See now you have given this question forum, if any body see this forum message and clicks on the ads on your forum question page you will get adsense revenue, apart from that the responses you will be receiving. For that also google adsense will be paid but here the adsense will depend upon the quality of the response for your questions. You can earn adsense revenue by writing about the products and reviews for products already existing in this etc. So, please start working, you will definitely get the good percentage of adsense.

    Subba Raju, MV
    Member, IRC

  • #846
    Hi Mohammad,

    You will get money through adsense account. Google will pay you for that.

    Just keep on doing your work, you'll reap benefits here. You can click at the tab Adsense revenue sharing and go through what is written there.

    If you have any doubts just ask Ram Kumar. He is an adsense expert. He is giving advise about how to go about getting good money from adsense account.

    Do as per his advice and you'll see difference in your account soon.

    Follow his advice and earn more and more.

    Latha Jayaprakash
    Editor - IRC

    Latha Jayaprakash
    India Review Channel

  • #878

    The AdSense revenue sharing in IndiaReviewChannel is for 1 year. This means, you will get 90% of the AdSense revenue from your content pages for a period of 1 year from the date you posted the specific page. We do not share any percentage of the revenue from the page after 1 year.

    - Tony John

  • #891
    Hi Mohammed,

    Tony has cleared your doubt I hope. You start working now actively and you will definitely get the benefits for the hard work you put in. So, all the best.

    Subba Raju, MV
    Member, IRC

  • #904
    Hi Mohammad,
    The amount of money you get from adsense depends on how many pages you contribute on india review channel and this again depends how you actively contribute in this channel and the more the viewers for your pages the more the chances of google ads getting clicked by them. You should keep writing resources, forum , reviews, polls etc and constructively contribute in this site. This way you can be rest assured that you will get more money from adsense revenue. You will 90% of the adsense revenue from Google as your payment.

    Lalitha Rajappa,
    Member, India Review Channel.

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