Hi,Pawan, it is easy to write a review. You can start by writing a review of products in your home - your car, your bike, your mixer grinder, your TV, your music system, etc. Just look up the product at IRC and click on the link 'Write review'. Give a good title to make visitors interested in reading your review, and type your review in the large white box given for it. Below the review space, there will be further specifications you need to fill in regarding the product - first, what is good and bad in the product, then raings ranging from poor to very good - a green dot will appear in the little circle next to the specification, just as 'ease of use', 'design', etc. for mobile phones. Of course, for certain categories like shops, the ratings will be different.
In the case of mobile phones, restaurants, cars and the like, you can even ask friends and relatives which products they use and write a review from information they give. A lot of people eat out, in fact, at restaurants / food courts in malls, so you can find out what your friends ate, the general price, what they liked/disliked, etc.
Next, look up products on other sites and see their features. Then you can post what is called an editorial review. This means a general review about the product, mentioning its features.
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