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  • Category: IndiaReviewChannel

    Which is the best earning site on net

    i want to know which is the best earning site on net
  • #2737
    Vipul,there are very few sites that actually pay for online work properly. Most times you will be asked to pay a registration fee and then will merely be told a list of sites that supposedly offer online work. Many of these sites will insist on paying only one the basis of work done. This is very convenient for them, as then they can say that you did not complete the specific amount of work or the quality was not good - that gives them an excuse not to pay you! Also, it is best to take up work that is India-based and payment is done in rupees. I suggest that you contribute to ISC and you can earn a small part-time income. At IRC, too, cash credits were earlier given. Even now you can still earn by posting reviews,getting points and reaching the Gold level so that you can start earning through Google AdSense.

    All the Best!

    Faith gives us the courage to tackle the seemingly impossible, as well as the determination to see it through ~ Author Unknown


  • #2738
    Hello my dear friend,
    kindly don't waste your money on scam sites as 97% scam sites are rolling on net, as i too scammed by the well known site so be aware of it, try to find your near friend who really got some money!
    All the best!

    Before joining kindly check the site with the following,

  • #2741
    Hi Vipul,

    As per my openion ISC is the best site to earn money. Some sites promises huge money but I didn't find any body who really earned. May be I didn't able to met the people who earned or couldn't find it out. But in ISC I got my first payment during the month of Feb '09 earnings which I received during March '09.

    And also Adsense I got more than 100 $ mark and I am going to receive my first cheque during the next month i.e., June 2009.

    RK - Some thing special

  • #2745
    the best earning programme on the net is adsense. i have an adsense and got check about 2 times. google helped me a lot. still i love adsense only.

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