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Review: Washing machine after my heart
Review By: Latha Jayaprakash    Review Date: 24 Oct 2008   

This digital 7 kg front loading is a fully automatic washing machine with tumble wash.
This IFB washing machine has 100 preset programmes with digital display and separate buttons for each and every cycle.
The machine allows prewash (soak), heavy wash, normal wash, delicate wash, quick wash and hot water wash.
It also has additional features like automatic drainage, wash load sensor, auto restart and child lock.
This IFB machine also has low water consumption as it uses only 49 litres of water per wash. This is less than what will be used if the washing is done by maids, by hand or by other type washing machines.
There is a safety cover on door for high temperature wash. Unlike the old IFBs the present ones have a button for opening the doors. The new features include detecting the load and the time cycle , at the touch of a buton, automatically.
The machine comes with Variable spin speed with the option of spin cancel (600-800-1000-1200 RPM),Imbalance control and easy fault diagnosis.
You can go for this as this IFB has been a pioneer in Tumble wash machines and also I can tell you that I have been using one such IFB for 17 years now.

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Ease of Use:
Value for Money:
Washing Quality:
Ease of Cleaning:
Power Consumption:
Water Consumption:
Service & Support:

Good: Dependable brand and good after sales service
Bad: havent found anything
Recommend: Yes

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