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Product: Onkyo-CS-420

Review: My choice of a music system
Review By: Latha Jayaprakash    Review Date: 29 Oct 2008   

The design of this Mini system, Onkyo product CS 420 is such a beautiful package, you cannot help noticing it. Whatever you do, play CDs, MP3s, or Radio, WRAT the system of Wide Range Amplifier Technology, discrete output stage circuitry and optimum gain volume circuitry create the shortest, cleanest possible signal path —a significant factor in ensuring quality sound from CD receiver systems.
The high-gloss, piano-finish speakers not only look beautiful, stylish and smart, they incorporate a raft of innovations that help enliven any musical genre .
The other features of the amplifier technology use din this are: High-current, low-impedance drive, Discrete output stage circuitry, Optimum gain volume circuitry, Tone control (Bass/Treble), 2-step super bass control, 3 audio inputs and 2 outputs and Subwoofer pre out.
This product has got 4 play modes and 2 repeat modes and lets you choose whichever you want to hear. 4 timer mode settings, sleep timer,
30 FM AM Radio settings Automatic FM scan tuning and as other features. Headphone jack. Since the weight is just 3.6 kg you can carry music along with you wherever you want to.

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Sound Quality:
Value for Money:
Style & Design:
Ease of Use:

Good: Light weight mini music system, cam carry music with me
Bad: nothing
Recommend: Yes

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