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Product: Nutrilite Iron Folic - 90 Tablets

Review: Nutrilite Iron Folic is best for women.
Review By: RK    Review Date: 07 Apr 2009   

Nutrilite Iron Folic is best for women health. As women looses himoglobin regularly, they needs to be supplemented Iron. The body is very relectant to absorb iron. The best way to absorb Iron is to take iron along with Folic Acid.
These combinations are very essential during pregnency days. This tablet can be used as best alternative during those days. The ingradients are from the natural sources.

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Promised Effect:
Ease of Use:
Value for Money:

Good: Combination of Iron & Folic in one tablet.
Recommend: Yes

Review: Nutrilite iron folic
Review By: Shuby Arora    Review Date: 17 Apr 2009   

This is a very good source of iron which is very good for everybody. Iron is the main source to increase blood.Low iron levels can make you tired.

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Promised Effect:
Ease of Use:
Value for Money:

Good: Rich in Iron and folic.
Bad: Nothing
Recommend: Yes

Review: Nutrilite Iron Tablets
Review By: Aparna    Review Date: 14 Apr 2011   

I have been using these Nutrilite Iron Tablets for last 3 weeks and have found amazing results. I see improvement in my stamina and also the skin tone has improved.
Ladies, we all need iron which is not easy available from the sources of food that we have, so try looking at this option.
If you need any details, please let me know.

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Promised Effect:
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Value for Money:

Recommend: Yes

Review: Healthcare - Nutrilite Iron – Folic 90 Tablets
Review By: Mrs Sabita Barman    Review Date: 16 Apr 2011   

This particular tablet is highly essential for those who are suffering from anemia, especially at old ages. Anemia is a disease of less haemoglobin count in blood plasma. The haemoglobin deficiency can be maintained by the regular intake of Nutrilite Iron – Folic 90 Tablet, a brand product of reputed Amway company. The ingredient folic acid (vitamin B) assured the optimum absorption of iron by the body system. Hamoglobin is essential for keeping the level of oxygen to the required amount for the normal functioning of metabolism and catabolism in the living organisms.

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Promised Effect:
Ease of Use:
Value for Money:

Good: Essential for old age people
Bad: You need to search for the Amway distributor
Recommend: No

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