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Product: Blackberry Curve 8520

Review: Slim Curves, smart phone
Review By: vk    Review Date: 05 Dec 2009   

The Blackberry Curve 8520 is what its name claims to be - curvaceous. This curved shape is basically due to the corners not being straight and flat but rounded. It does look cool and definitely gives good grip too for a sturdy hold.

The first thing that is unusual in the Blackberry Curve 8520 is its unique trackpad. This allows the user to be all over the place. That is to say, you can very speedily move around the cursor on the screen and quickly locate what you want. Nice, very nice. Whats more, the keypad is also easy to use. It is definitely not a strain on your fingertips. Yet another great feature is the presence of media-specific keys. So you can easily have access to both music and videos. There is a tiny headset jack. The 2 megapixel digital camera is ok for some simple quick snaps. Perhaps, though, it is not so great for some fancy photographic moments.

Messaging is easy, not just in terms of typing on the keypads. There is also quick access to social networking sites. Hence, connecting to family and friends, not to mention gossiping, is very convenient. Listening to a caller is as clear and audible as tuning in to music. Speaking of entertainment, there are a couple of games too. A 1GB card comes with the phone. So you can store plenty of stuff!

Conclusion: This smartphone is really smart! Just one thing: would have loved to see those curvaceous looks in some other colour besides the same old boring black.

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Sound Reception:
Ease of Use:
Reliability & Durability:
Style & Design:
Value for Money :

Good: The trackpad
Bad: More colourful looks perhaps
Recommend: Yes

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