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Product: Aqua Gold 4U

Review: Aqua Gold 4U
Review By: Mrs Sabita Barman    Review Date: 09 Jun 2011   

Aqua Gold 4U water purifer is a user friendly and convenient water purifier which works on the globally acclaimed resin technology and thus are able to eliminates all the harmful bacteria and viruses present in the water. It has an advantage of replaceable candle so it is an economically efficient water filter. This purifier comes with 3 candles out of which 2 are free. The capacity of cleaning water is 10000 liter for each candle. It also provide guard from bacteria and virus and thus keeps your family healthy. It has dual filtration system. The special filter removes the impurities of the water and the resin destroy the bacteria. Another advantage of the purifier is it directly fits to the tap so you will get pure water instantly. It comes with a full easy manual so that you can easily handle it. As a whole we can say that Aqua gold water purifier is very useful for all of us and it should be present in each and every household. The pure water of Aqua gold can be used for cooking, washing vegetables, raw meat and fruits. Thus by using Aqua gold purifier we can keep our family healthy and disease free.

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Power Consumption:
Total Water Capacity:
Time to Purify:
After Sales Service:
Value for Money:

Good: no use of electricity
Bad: None
Recommend: Yes

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