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Product: Superkids & Superbteens.

Review: My childs day out with Superkids & Superbteens.
Review By: Lakshmi S    Review Date: 17 May 2011   

I have attended the Superkids & Superteens introductory class which was conducted at Hotel Namma Veedu Vasantha Bhavan, Chrompet. During the introductory class, to my utter disbelief, my son has performed a rare feat with just 10 minutes of training. He has just repeated around 28 words in same order without seeing the screen behind him where the words have been displayed. As he was eager to join this Superkids & Superbteens program, I have also decided in positive.

The program was scheduled for four days during April last week. They have made arrangements to pick-up and drop my son along with a course mate boy at Tambaram. After the first day's program, I have noticed a tremendous change in my son. He became very confident while he spoken about things. He started to govern his own activities. From day two, there was no looking back. The training has inculcated a lots of good things in him which I am proud of.

Final day, we the parents of the children who attended course were called upon for a convocation function. It was a marvelous experience to see children breaking their old habits symbolically by breaking a wooden plate in that function. Children have expressed their experience about this training, which was a treat to watch. We have taken photographs in the function. Children thanked their trainers. Since children from standard 4 to standard 12 are eligible for this training, we were able to see a conglomeration there. During this function, to my surprise, I have met my cousin and colleague whom have put their children in this training.

Finally, we disbursed with our children feeling very much proud and satisfied about the training that we have imparted to them. As they say in the training “We promise only to give the best to our child".

I strongly recommend this training based on N.L.P. or Neuro Linguistic Programming, which can change the attitude of your child at a very young age and can make him as a responsible person in life. Go for it.

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Mental Satisfaction:
Physical health:

Good: The training schedule, training methodology, training material, topics covered in the training.
Bad: Children must reach the venue by 8.00 AM which is at the centre of city and hence children from far off places may find it difficult.
Recommend: Yes

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