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Review: Pandurangadu
Review By: m.v. subba raju    Review Date: 16 Sep 2008   

It is a wonderful telugu movie. The action of Balakrishna is excellent in this movie. Action of sneha is marvellous. Director Raghavendra Rao has directed so many films. But this film has been directed in a different way. It is very good direction. Picture will definitely run for 100 days. The songs are also very nice.

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Value for Money:

Recommend: Yes

Review: Pandurangadu.
Review By: satyadas    Review Date: 30 Dec 2008   

It cannot be watched with children.
Its devotional movie but It has many sensuous shots.

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Screen Play:
Value for Money:

Recommend: No

Review: one more excellent flick from NBK
Review By: guntupalli.sandeep    Review Date: 21 Jan 2009   

pandurangadu is one more beautiful creation of ragahavendra rao.I really liked this movie,nandamuri balakrishna brought out his best as pandurangadu.His role as lord krishna is the highlight to the film.He looked very good as lord krishna.Sneha added some more flavour to the film with her glamour.The music for the film added life to it.The mother song makes the viewers eyes wet,balakrishnas acting is the main spice for the song.Its overall a good family entertainer.

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Value for Money:

Good: excellent music and heart melting scenes
Bad: extra exposing
Recommend: Yes

Review: Another Life-Time Classic

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Review By: kalyan    Review Date: 03 Dec 2008   

The story of Lord Panduranga is a part of Skanda Purana, one of 18 puranas, the treasure house for divine stories. Tenali Rama Krishna, one of the Astadiggajas of Sri Krishna Deva Raya wrote Panduranga Mahatyam taking the gist from Skanda Purana. Kamalakara Kameshwara Rao directed the film Panduranga Mahatyam in the production of Trivikrama Rao in 1957, taking Pundareeka Vriththantham from Tenali Ramakrishnas Panduranga Mahatyam. Now the same was remade as Pandurangadu adding new colors in tune with the taste of contemporary audiences. Let us see how it went on: Story: It is the story of Pundareeka (Balakrishna) who leads a flirting life and neglects his parents (K Vishwanath and Shiva Parvathi) as well as wife Lakshmi (Sneha). In his lusty hangover he also kicks out all his family members. He falls in the trap of a crooked prostitute Amrutha (Tabu) and loses everything. She betrays him along with her mother (Y Viajaya) and grabs his property. He then also tries to enjoy the river goddesses Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi due to his lust. He tries to kick a saint (Mohan Babu) with his leg but gets paralyses stroke. He then realizes that his paralysis is due to his sins. He gets repentance and becomes a devotee of Lord Krishna. He goes back to his parents and serves them. His wife Lakshmi and finally he himself get salvation because of his bhakthi. Performances: Balakrishna looked best in Lord Krishnas role. He appeared like Nata Rathna NTR in many frames in Lord Krishnas get up. His color on his body was very dark in some scenes but on a whole that is not disturbing any way. His role as Pundareeka in negative shades also grooved well. He must be appreciated for picking up this role. Sneha is the right option to play the role of Pundareekas wife. She rightly performed in her role. Tabu is the glamour element in the film and she didnt hesitate to portray with all of her oomph factor. But she has shown more in some scenes where there is no necessity. K Raghavendra Raos magic is seen again on silver screen. Using the elements like fruits, milk and flowers for bringing in erotic appeal is known only for KRR. K Vishwanath is apt in fathers role. Mohan Babu although appeared for a brief time, there is a purpose for his role. JK Bharavis dialogues are ok. But crossed limits in some scenes and lacked in required depth in others. K Raghavendra Raos efforts are rightly spread on screen. He has shown newness in many things. He has even shown the temples in Combodia for songs in dream sequences. Although not in the degree of Sri Ramadasu or Annamayya, he could bring in devotional depth in this theme as well, especially in climax. Best Things: Music plays best role in entire film. Lyrics are also aptly written and pictured in very sensible way-although the song Kosala Desapu.. is too erotic. Lord Krishnas Vishwa Roopam scene certainly deserves great mention. Thats splendid and marvelous. Mohan Babus role, although short has made his presence felt in right manner. The film stepped into right tempo since his entrance. The message parents are more than the Lord God is rightly conveyed which is a must for people at this juncture. The scene where Pundareeka asks Lord Krishna to wait outside for him until he completes his seva for his father is really wonderful. Critical Aspects: Snehas initiative to marry Ranga (Pundareeka) by showing her over-activeness in front of his house is something thats not in right sync with the tempo Sunils comedy with hairy get up is also nasty that kicks out audiences from getting immersed into the theme In a scene Tabu dances in emotion by applying vermilion to her face. Audiences have shouted laka laka laka.. at that time. When the scene is composed with emotion which is more than required, the result will be that. The scene of Lord Krishna showing Brindavanam to Pundareeka is made with not so convincing graphics. Director would have looked into something spiritual with meaningful analysis for Krishna Tatwam in stead of that. Although the questions regarding 16000 gopikas and 8 wives of Lord Krishna have risen in the film, they werent answered in right taatwik way. Writers of JK Bharavis standard must be able to bring the gist of Krishna Tatwam in that scene. That was not rightly utilized as the answer given by Lord Krishna is very normal. Some dialogues have crossed the line- naavi pettudu pallu neevu pettudu&hellip&hellip&hellip." (Brahmanandams dialogue with Y Vijaya). As the right patrons for this film are family audiences, dialogues of that sort would disturb a little. Kids should watch mythological and devotional films to learn the essence of bhakthi and tatwa but not the meaning of these mundane dialogues. What happened to prostitute Amrutha and her mother? Why those villains werent shown again? Balancing act hasnt happened by not putting an end to those villains. Analysis: The films of this sort should come again and again. They should teach the essence of Indian culture, bhakti and traditions. Film makers also should focus more on such subjects. Pandurangadu is definitely the subject that has elements to make a commercial film. The subject has ample rakthi along with bhakti. Both these bhakti and rakhti should overlap in right manner. But that didnt happen here. Only in the second half (especially from the appearance of Mohan Babus role), the spirit of the film is underlined. Last 30 minutes has enough of devotional fervor. The film could have been better if the scenes in first half were composed with more conviction. To sum up, this film is a must watch for all those who wish to know the essence of bhakthi and value of parents.

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Value for Money:

Bad: Acting
Recommend: Not sure

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