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Product: LG-GL-295TVG4

Review: Sleek Trendy Refrigerator
Review By: sudhersana    Review Date: 30 Oct 2008   

LG is a very reputed brand and this refrigerator LG-GL-295TVG4 comes from the stable of LG.This is a 2 door refrigerator with automatic defrost. It has a door lock which I think is very useful and a unique feature which most of the other brand refrigerators lack. It has a stabilizer free operation so there is no need to spend extra money for stabilizers. This LG refrigerator has a water as well ice dispenser. It has a large bottle shelf with spill guard which enables to store more bottles in summer. It has adjustable shelves which enables us to make adjustments as per our requirements. The egg trays are removable so that it can be washed hygienically separately. The separator for vegetables and fruits are very useful as we can avoid the clumsiness of storing both together. It has a freezer lamp and a safe freezer time in case of malfunction of the fridge. The after sale service is very good and service centres are available in almost all major cities and towns of India. It comes with a warranty period of 1 year and offers very good value for money.

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Value for Money:
Ease of Use:
Service & Support:
Power Consumption:
Space & Convenience:

Good: sleek trendy look, durability, value for money
Bad: nothing specific
Recommend: Yes

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